annual review

annual review? whaaaat? of 2020? yes. really. it was some year, wasn’t it? bet we could all review 2020 in one single word, right? xxxx. life as we knew it was turned on its head… ihealth. work. home. relationships. finance. family. why ever would we want to go back in + do an annual review for the business? especially at the start of 2021 when we’re still in the eye of the storm with unchartered territory ahead. twists + turns are guaranteed.

so, how can we all make plans for 2021? where do we start when pivoting is ongoing + the need for continual evolution + adaptation is ever present. life with brexit + c-19 will continue to impact us as consumers + business owners in ways that aren’t yet clear.

one thing 2020 gave us in bucket loads was challenges. with each one we endured we gained experience from it. the good. the bad + the ugly. what we’re looking to do with an annual review is turn that experience + grit into wisdom so that we can apply that to the year that lies ahead of us.

“we cannot become what we want by remaining what we are”
- max depree

by doing an annual review, we’re taking time to look back so that we can help plot a relevant path. a plan that doesn’t repeat mistakes, that sets intentions, drives direction + channels energy. if we take time to audit the last year it will give us the chance to uncover hidden gems of insight + create nuggets of wisdom allowing us to learn from the experience + set your intentions for the quarter ahead. that review can happen at any time. it doesn’t have to be now, maybe the new financial year will suit your set up better?

there are a zillion ways to do that review, but in essence all we need is… time, a clear head + a blank sheet of paper. it’s about freeze-frame time long enough to review it, capture the milestones, create narrative + draw out the learnings.

with benefit of hindsight, ask yourself what worked well? what didn’t? what did you wish you’d done or changed? what would you do differently next time? distill that into a list, review it so that you can recalibrate for the year ahead. pull out the top game-changing insight using the thought “if i knew then what i knew now”

if 2020 taught us anything it’s that things change + move fast. so when planning for the year ahead we’re focussing on setting out 3 main goals. the path we take to achieve them may change as the weeks + months go by.

plans need to be rooted in reality with equal mix of vision + motivation. to make the plans grow + flourish they need to be nurtured week in week out and that can be as simple as ring fencing time each week to work on it. do something that your future self will thank you for. experiment til you find the note making, task setting format you like that you connect with. our printable planners are available {here} if you’d like to try them .

o. + m.

olivia williams